
IBEW Local 102

Online Training

IBEW Local 102 in Conjunction with Vubiz, an IBEW Training Partner are proud to Announce the Availability of 221 Prepaid Online Training Courses for You our Members and your Friends and Families

We are proud to announce that we have prepaid for courses covering subjects from Improving Your Listening Skills to Time Management to Back Safety to Microsoft Office 2010. The courses will be available to you and your friends and families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Be sure to take advantage of as many courses as possible, we are certain that you and all of your friends and family members will find a number of courses that will address both your needs and interests.

To start your learning experiences go to:

Every time that you sign on, you will need to enter:

The IBEW Password which is:  IBEW
Your Membership Card Number: That is the number on your IBEW Membership Card for example 123456 or 123456AA or AB123456. If you cannot remember your Membership Number, use any unique identifier such as your e-mail address or your home Zip Code, this field must be a minimum of four characters long.

The First time that you sign on, you will need to enter a little extra information so that we can set you up.

Membership Card Number (confirmation): This is to confirm the information that you keyed above.
Local Number: This is a way to identify what local you are part of.
First Name: So that we can identify you properly in the system when you return.
Last Name: So that we can identify you properly in the system when you return.

Once you are logged in, click on My Content and then launch the course that you would like to view.

We hope that you enjoy the training and make the most of it. The value of the prepaid courses if bought individually would cost over $3,000.00. We are proud to be able to make this opportunity available to you, our members and your friends and families.