Online Dipatch reviewed at last night's meeting - (2/8/2012)
Our new Online Dispatch was demonstrated at our February meeting and we would like to remind all the members to register and login to the new system.
All members can access the new Online Dispatch system by going to the Local 102 web page at: www.ibewlocal102.org
When you are looking at the home page you will see a button on the right side of the page directly below the banner pictures on the top of the page. By clicking on this button for Online Dispatch you will be directed right to the login page.
When you login the first time use the following:
Username: your IBEW card number
Password: your last name followed by the last four numbers of your social security number (no spaces)
After your first login you will be required to enter a personalized password. Please do not share this password with anyone.
Please review and update your contact information in your personal profile once you login. We also recommend that you review your list of skills to make sure they are accurate. If you find a discrepancy with any of your skills please contact the Parsippany Hall to make additions or changes.
This new system will be in the testing mode for the month of February and we urge the membership to login and learn their way around the system so there will be no confusion when the system goes live. We encourage you to bid on any of the jobs that are listed so you can see the automated confirmation of your bids. We will not be using the system for bidding until we officially go live so feel free to poke around and make sure you understand the process. We will continue to do the phone referral just as we have in the past for the month of February.
As you learn the system please don't hesitate to call the Referral Office with any of your questions.
We understand that nobody likes change but we ask that everyone give this new system a chance because in the long run we feel this will be the best thing for the membership and the industry.
We anticipate that the system
will go live on
Monday March 5, 2012.
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