Online Dispatch - (2/3/2012)
We will be rolling out the new Online Dispatch at our monthly meeting on Tuesday February 7, 2012. We will be walking the membership thru the steps on how to access and use this new method of dispatch.
This program is going to change the way our current referral is done on a daily basis. When this program goes live, members will be required to login to the Online Dispatch if they are looking for work. The available jobs will be posted online and out of work members will have the ability to select the job or jobs that they are interested in taking. This process is called placing a "Bid". The referral office will call the members that "Bid" on the jobs the next morning, in the order they appear on the Out of Work List. This new system is basically a Virtual Day Book. You must submit your "Bid" the night before the jobs are offered if you want to be called for the jobs that are available. There will also be a recorded Job Line for members that do not have access to a computer or smart phone. The Job Line will be accessible by phone and will list the jobs that are available for the next morning. Anyone that is using the recorded Job Line and is not willing to submit their bid online, must shape the Parsippany Hall in person the morning the jobs are offered if they want to take a job call.
The Online Dispatch will be in the testing mode for the month of February and we urge all of our members to login to the system and familiarize yourself with the site so there will be no confusion when the site goes live.
We will send out another email with the login information after the demo is shown at the upcoming monthly meeting.
We anticipate that the system will be active and in use on Monday March 5, 2012.
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